3.1. Juniper Configuration - Part 1

3.1.1. Convert from Standard to Set command

It is ease to convert the Juniper standard (Hierarchical/Bracket) configurations to set commands.

Follow these three simple steps.

  1. Import necessary module from nettoolkit

  2. Define your input/output file.

  3. Convert it.

3.1.2. Explanation in detail with sample code

Follow this. Create an execution .py file and use below code to run the utility:

# step 1. - Import::
from nettoolkit import Juniper

# step 2. - Providing input and output
input_file = "input_file_name.txt"
output_file = input_file + "_set.txt"

# step 3. - Convert it.
J = Juniper(input_file, output_file)    # define a Juniper Object
s = J.convert_to_set(to_file=True)      # convert the Juniper config to set mode.


  • to_file argument (True/False) in the convert_to_set method will enable or disable writing out output to external file.

  • return from convert_to_set() method will also be set command output in list format.

  • any error in input file may result the conversion to halt. In this case, get hint on console window; on the line number; where it stops and gt error from input_file.